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Old 07-06-2008, 02:16 PM   #9
Anthony Fremont
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Re: How do I get these brake drums off?

I bought new wheel cylinders and am ready to install them. Now, how do I get the old ones out? The 1 1/8" stud like thing holding it on will not budge. Is there any trick to getting it loose? It's also looking like the hose isn't going to want to unscrew either. I have new hoses, once I get the "stud/bolt" out of the wheel cylinder would I be able to get away with cutting the hose in half (I bought new hoses too) and leaving the fitting attached to the wheel cylinder? Will it come thru the backing plate?

I've PB Blastered it pretty well, no helpee.
'66 GMC Custom Fenderside LWB
'90 IROC - L98
'97 1200C Sportster
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