Thread: camper shells
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Old 07-06-2008, 03:14 PM   #3
the pollock
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Re: camper shells

i am in abilene TX, pretty small college town (in not a college KID! thank god)
but its just odd my 83 is one of the biggest trucks here... alot of fords but all i really see is "new" campers... on the newer trucks.. nothing ever on old ones.. i saw an alright looking one (used) for 500 on craigslist..thought the dude was insane..
i would really like to get a baffle or a big rubber grommet for between the cab and my (future) camper that way i can open the sliding glass and have that airflow and accessibility to the bed (trash, the dogs whatever)
hmm bummer to that.. is there like a "national chain" that anyone knows of that they recommend?
Jack of ALL trades, Master of none.. (but one... procrastination)
Army vet 02-08
RIP El Jay! Miss you brother!
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