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Old 07-07-2008, 05:10 AM   #15
Old Heap Driver
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Newport News, Va
Posts: 2,643
Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!

Spent part of Friday hitting the 80 with a rattle can paint job. My body guy wanted to get a good look at it so the black rattle job will show every little dent. The truck has to be stripped anyway. Also installed the cab trim, figured it was safer on the truck than sitting in the garage, and it will be hard for me to lose the clips with them on the truck.

Watched it rain all day Saturday. Spent Sunday at a friends shop working on my S-10, new 2400 stall converter, and buttoned up some exhaust issues.

'99 Silverado 1500, 4.3, 5-speed, reg cab, short bed
'50 Chevy 2DR Hard Top, 350/350, M2 Front End, 3:08 gear, cruiser.
'40 F**d Sedan, all Chevy power, Heidt's front end, TCI rear, nice driver.
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