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Old 07-08-2008, 06:53 AM   #26
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Re: What did you get done? July 4th edition!

Replaced the steering gear in the 99 between rain storms. Entertained friends from New York for 3 days. Begain the mold killing process in the basement and detrimmed the next room on the rebuild list. Cleaned enough garage to get out my motor stand and get the 700R4 off the floor. That allowed me to get to the tractor parts that are next on the paint stripping list.

Wife made me do nothing on Sunday. Sucked.
1987 2 ton
1982 250/TH350 beater in progress
Dad's 1981 3/4 L6 3 on tree posi and no options, awaiting restoration or scrapping
Plus a mess o' tractors
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