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Old 07-08-2008, 07:05 AM   #7
Old Heap Driver
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Newport News, Va
Posts: 2,643
Re: Muffler Recommendations

I had 50 series FM on my 383 powered S-10. Hedman shorty headers, 2 ˝ pipe, pair of 50 series side by side along the right frame rail under the bed, pipes exited just under the roll pan. The sound was good, and highway sound in the cab was OK. I was just tired of sounding like every other car/truck at a cruise-in. I switched to a pair of Magnaflows. I really like the sound and I sound different than the other guys. But, they’re really annoying at cruise speed in the cab.

I really think a mufflers’ sound can be different depending on the most minor placement issue. If I had a lift and gobs of money I’d play with the exhaust some and try to find the sweet spot.

'99 Silverado 1500, 4.3, 5-speed, reg cab, short bed
'50 Chevy 2DR Hard Top, 350/350, M2 Front End, 3:08 gear, cruiser.
'40 F**d Sedan, all Chevy power, Heidt's front end, TCI rear, nice driver.
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