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Old 07-09-2008, 11:08 AM   #9
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Re: Help! Trans Problem

Originally Posted by 68GMC454 View Post
i just helped replace a tranny in a burban a couple of weeks ago.. now its back with a bad tranny.. on the left rear side, on the back of it that round thing that has the metal flip thing holding it on, forget the nameof it. it has been pushed out enough that you can see the rubber oring behind it, and where it would normaly be seated at... look at that while you are under it...
You mean the governor cover?

Check the rear seal as well. If the trans is jumping out of gear, dropping to the next gear, or doing weird things like that, its due to a lack of fluid at the clutches. Low fluid level, due to a leak or foaming from over filling, or a clogged filter preventing fluid from being pulled from the pan are typical reasons for dry clutches.

Actually check everywhere something bolts to, sticks in, or protrudes out of the case for leaks.
Too much stuff, too many projects to list everything.
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