Re: A/C brackets for 6cyl
A/C was available as an option on the L-6. Ebay occasionally will have bracket sets. The integral head long compressor ones are somewhat common, I've only seen 1 set for 292's in the last year.
It takes aonther groove in the crank pulley and water pump pulley, especially if you have Power Steering.
If your 292 is non-integral head, you may be best off fabricating your own brackets, since the 250 brackets aren't long enough.
If your compressor is non-GM (like a Sandeen) then you'll need custom brakets anyway as I haven't found a bolt-on bracket set. The compressor goes on the RH up high, the bracket bolts to the head and to the bolck at the accessory bolts jsut bhind the timing cover.
1987 2 ton 
1982  250/TH350 beater in progress
Dad's 1981  3/4 L6 3 on tree posi and no options, awaiting restoration or scrapping
Plus a mess o' tractors