Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I sent her this message Wednesday night:
Dear chvynut44,
Hi, very sorry to hear of your loss. If that's you in the picture, I assume your husband was taken very early. Just a sugestion, I would auction these one at a time. I would like to have a shortbed 67 or 68, and I wouldn't mind having all of them, but I live 266 miles away from you and with a single car trailer and with the price of gas, it's just not practical. I think you're going to get a lot of lookers who feel the same way. Just my 2 cents. I would cancel this auction and start new auctions seperately for each truck if I were you. Good luck, Bill in Virginia
- zippydodog
then last night she responded:
Dear zippydodog,
Hi Bill. Thank you, and yes, I'm afraid my husband was only 46 and suffered a heart attack with no warning or previous heart problems. I actually thought we would be working on these trucks forever you know? Thats why I was glad to actually learn the body work aspect of restoration and was happy to just be a wrench turner for the mechanical side of it without absorbing a whole lot of knowledge so that I could better describe whats going on with each individual truck and sell them seperately. Believe it or not, I have been thinking about doing what you suggest but when I go in the garage and see all the parts and motors, etc. it gets pretty overwhelming because my husband had a plan for every single bolt out there. I just don't know what it was exactly so I guess I'll just see how it goes but again, thank you very much for your suggestion. Dawn
Bill  US Army Vet -193rd Infantry
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