Thread: Workin the 76
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Old 07-15-2008, 05:06 PM   #1
My truck is an alcoholic
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Workin the 76

Doing what it does best, pullin junk that doesnt run. If I didnt have so many parts I could use on something else, this sucker would be going to China in tiny pieces. That and it has an extended cab so the kids have more room on the long trips, but if it doesnt freakin run what good is it?

As always the GM product runs and hasnt cost me that much. What I have paid for parts to try to get/keep the Phord running I could have built another GM.

The Phord died one day, lost injector pulse, fuel pump, and ignition. Have replaced everything under the hood and checked all the wires for continuity.... nothing. No more EFI Phords.

Now to get more torque out of this rat and set it up for alky...
Too much stuff, too many projects to list everything.
my 454 urged 76 swb beater
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