First, I would like to thank everyone for the kind words and compliments. Your response has been GREAT!........Thanks again to each of you.
I knew before deciding to do the videos that it would be a pretty big project, I just hope its not one of those that gets bigger all the time, and I will continue to have your support . As I said before I will try do do the best, most complete and professional job possible.
Heres an update on where I am right now.
I have put together a web site with pictures of some of the work.
Its kind of cheesy (my first attempt at doing this) so don't make fun of it unless you can make it better....LOL... = ) I just have to get it published and it should be in a day or two.
Well I really wanted to start with a complete runnnig driving rust bucket but believe it or not I haven't seen one rusted enough in my area in the last three weeks or so. But I've seen some pretty nice old trucks, just don't want to go quite that much on one that will get cut up and welded back together for the purpose of the videos. I know several people have said I can use thier trucks but for many reasons that might not be the best idea. This will be a sizeable undertaking and I probably don't want the added stress of working on someones truck while trying to do a good job on the project, but I really appreciate the offers.
Here is a pic of the cab I'll be starting with. Its already pretty much stripped which is not really what I wanted, I wanted to show disassembly from a complete truck. I hope I'm not wrong thinking everyone can figure how to get the doors off and gas tank out. I'll hang some doors on it to make sure all the gaps are good, but I think it needs pretty much everything.