OK- so I just finished up my 5" flip in the rear of my 81 c10 SB. I have the bed off and Im doing some frame detailing (POR15

), when I thought that maybe I should do something with my exhaust. Its a custom 3", exiting passenger side. Its still in decent shape, but I really think duals would match the lowered look a little better. Any thoughts?
Heres my ideas:
I dont really want to have it too loud in the cab- I want to be able to actually talk, or use my cell while driving. So that pretty much rules out short turn downs under the cab. But I like the look of the ones that exit before the wheels, will they be all that loud???
One of my options is just dualing the 3" near the end and welding on 2 slat cut tips, that would look pretty wicked.
Also, SHOW ME YOUR SETUPS! Pics are greatly appreciated!