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Old 07-17-2008, 08:13 AM   #15
Restoration Virgin!
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Re: Project: Mistress

From this point, we took the parts back to the shop and basically pieced it back together at the request of my bro's friend who would be doing the body work CORRECTLY....Unfortunately, not a lot of pics from this....since I live an hour away from the shop, and my bro and dad couldn't get over to take a lot of pics (they have a business to run), I really didn't get to track progress....I DO know that we took it to the body shop in October 2007, and he gauranteed it would be done by December 2007....and kept his word!!!.....Basically, they repaired the cups on both front fenders, fitted new doors, got a new cowl hood, and a complete new bed (sold the old one to 67chevyredneck....Thanks Jesse)....he also welded new frame horns on and repaired one of the body mount pads.....I also decided on the color....a sunburst orange metallic (same color as they are painting the Chevy HHR's, Avalanches, etc) are some pics from primer to paint....Boy, she is really starting to convert to a good lookin' Mistress....
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Geoff with a G
1968 Chevy C10 SWB The Mistress

1972 Custom Deluxe C20 Suburban A Suburban Named Isabella

1966 Ford Mustang Mama's High School Graduation Present
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