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Old 07-19-2008, 12:06 AM   #20
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Wink Re: Transmission braces

Cool, that worked too after I shrunk it. Ok, so that square shaped thing bolts to the engine, with the side you are seeing against the trans strut and engine. The other side is hollow and that is where the rubber or poly engine mount goes. This is all stock 73-86 stuff, and you can see in the Haynes manual from Chevy and GMC trucks 67-87 diagrams of this. The installation is described at the end of the automatic transmission section, and the engine section shows the engine mounting. NOTE: this will not work on 67-72 engine frames, they are completely different. This design is better, which is why I have these parts, so I can take out the stock engine mount from a 72 (which is u or cradle shaped) and install this design and mounts (much stronger, and will allow you to remove the oil pan without removing the engine. Hope this helps.
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