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Old 07-21-2008, 06:59 PM   #8
Barrito Loco Diablo
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Re: Offenhauser manifold find

Originally Posted by 70rs/ss View Post
These are (were) worth some change, but GM just decided to rerelease these (a year or so ago). The market went down on them and so did the price, granted the OE ones are "original" the repops look just like them and work. So your buddies is a numbers matching piece for a resto nut, but the repop is qite a bit less and looks right. I'd guess It's worth $4-800 depending on how bad someone wanted it (just the intake), again they used to bring $1,000 up to $2500 as a complete deal. I want one just for the $****s and grins of having it under the hood!! On a street driven or even DD vehicle they would run crappy, because they were designed in the stone ages, but for race applications only, if it (any part, intake, spoiler, etc) was going to make it onto a race car in the Trans Am series, it had to be offered on a production car (as an option, or standard equipment). So the cross ram was supposed to be for high RPMs being sustained (302 rapped up there, too 7k rpm and above!), bbut not for stop light to stop light. With todays carbs and linkages etc, that set up would probably work pretty good. Just think a pair of 500 cfm demons!!
It's funny you mention. I'm soon starting a 43' Ford rat truck project and i'm looking for an older v8 to use. Plans are to blow the hell outta the motor. I'd feel kinda bad pulling apart the numbers and what not. I was pondering on a charged 283, but i'm thinking i could always take the 327 route. This project is hopefully going to be a several year process built from scratch, piece by piece with parts from only buddies and swap meets. With gas prices being the way they are, i'm starting to think of using an old 33' or 34' Model B 4 banger might be the way to go. That'd be a fun project. Look at how cool these can look.


I even have a spare air cooled flat six that would be a crazy project. Just thinking of an air cooled 43'......... Weird.

Last edited by exmonkeypunk; 07-21-2008 at 07:03 PM.
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