Thread: WAY SoCal noob
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Old 07-24-2008, 12:48 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Posts: 484
Red face WAY SoCal noob

So here is my story.
First off, I don't even own a GM product. I'm what you guys would call an "off-road" guy. I have a rock crawler that I tow on a trailer to different locations all over the country.
So why am I here?
When I was a kid my grandfather, the greatest man who ever lived IMO, had a 1969 C10 SWB, yellow with a V8 and a column shifter. We traveled back and fourth from California to Arkansas every summer in it. Best times of my life.
I always wanted that truck, have no idea what ever became of it.
So now I'm 42 with a kid of my own. Time for a father son project and I'm looking for a C10... thats my story and why I'm here.
GREAT BOARD with lots of cool build threads!
Glad to be here.

Last edited by -sean-; 07-24-2008 at 01:23 AM.
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