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Old 07-25-2008, 12:40 AM   #148
3DrDwn--the 'burb not the band
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: missoula, mt
Posts: 598
Re: 84 with a Dropmember

Got a couple questions here:

1) in the very last pic it look like the lower link tab on the forward 4 link mount hangs below the frame. Optical Illusion or will it hang far enough down to keep from laying frame?
2) Will this work on my 89? Could the bag mount's be "adjusted" to accomodate a higher load rating bag? I would be full welding the DM in the 89 and would want to lose the pan hard in favor of a watt's since fender clearence is already tight.

I know there are a couple vendors that make stuff for getting the big dog down but none that LAY and I'm for the most part extremely pleased with the burban so I'd rather roll PB.

Slo and Lo that is the tempo.
'72 burb build page here:

'89 GMC Dually crew build page coming soon.
88 4x4 crew DD

duallys past/present pics here:

89 1 ton Dually rear flip kit install here:
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