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Old 07-25-2008, 10:50 AM   #5
What Hump?
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Re: Electrical problem?

I don't know of a way to test but it depends on your own ability as to whether it is easy or not. You have to remove the steering wheel, then the plate behind the wheel (you have to remove a lock ring and someties takes a speacil tool) then the signal mechanism is exposed. You then unscrew it from the column, unplug the harness from the overall harness, feed the signal harness up through the column, installation is oposite of removal.
I suggest you head over to the wrecking yard to look at some already apart. Ecology on 27 Ave & Harrison (downtown phx) had several trucks apart, you may even want to pickup a tilt a install it, but thats a different procedure.
Hope you find the problem.
Lil red 86 c-10
99 Sub
78 Camper Special w/ 454

Last edited by Eyegore; 07-25-2008 at 10:51 AM.
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