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Old 07-26-2008, 02:06 PM   #1
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Talking The Ultimate "Man Machine"?

First of all, no offense intended to the ladies who own Blazers- I think the fact that you do puts you in a league of your own, but -

Yesterday I went to the hardware store. When I came out I noticed a guy standing near my Blazer just staring at it. You should know my paint is mismatched and 36 years old, but still...

So I mentioned it to my wife when I got home. My oldest daughter happened to be in the room, and she chimed in, "Every guy who comes to pick me up for a date asks me, 'Is that your dad's Blazer?' and they think it's the coolest thing ever. Even the ones that drive new BMWs and Lexus think it's cool. I guess it must be the ultimate guy machine."

I thought about it for a minute, and I guess she might just be right.
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