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Old 07-27-2008, 12:02 AM   #11
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Re: WTB or Trade-V6 4X4 Parts

67 C-30,

I don't know if the crosmember and motor mounts from a 60-66 would be the same, I hadn't even considered it. Any way to get a closer shot of the engine crossmember area? My Panel Truck is a NAPCO so it has a converted 2WD frame, it doesn't have a crossmember at all. That's a pretty cool looking truck, you should get it back and drive it!

02 GMC 97 FIII,

Nice looking truck, I hope it works out for you but let me know if it doesn't. I think you'll find the V-6 is hard to beat in a work truck, you're right, they don't mind grunting a little!

V-6....only GMC Trucks have it!

62 GMC W5000 NAPCO-V6
65 GMC 2500 NAPCO Panel-V6
66 GMC 1000-V6
66 GMC 1500-V6
67 GMC K1500-SBC (originally a KM-V6)
68 GMC C1500-V6
68 GMC C1500-V6
68 GMC Suburban C2500
70 Chevy K20-SBC
71 Chevy C30 Longhorn-SBC
72 GMC Suburban C1500-BBC
72 Chevy C10-SBC
72 GMC C5500-ToroFlow Diesel

Last edited by BobS; 07-27-2008 at 12:04 AM.
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