Thread: 4 or 6?
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Old 07-27-2008, 09:05 AM   #13
just can't cover up my redneck
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Columbus OH
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Re: 4 or 6?

I know exactly what you are saying there. Some of us knew better, but getting a customer to spend the money to do it right....especially when it was on parts that you couldn't see, was really hard.
Back then, it was all about lift and bigger tires, keeping-up or getting ahead of the "Jones'es". Springs that were too stiff, but all that was available. Multiple shocks, which were not needed on the stiff springs. A handfull of steering stabilizers to try to cover up caster issues. Tires that were far larger w/o any thought of gearing. All of these were weekly things.

Some guys would finally "get it" about the gears, but the other stuff stayed the same until the state laws were implimented. Then everything came back down and many were sold-off. They just couldn't deal with barely being able to run 35s after several years of 40-42-44.

BIG HEAD, pics would be great. Thanks, I enjoyed it too.
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