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Old 07-31-2008, 02:22 AM   #79
Restoring a 68 SWB
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

I am about to send an email to the TV Show Trucks!

The contents of the email are below.

Subject: Interested in a local "Overhaulin" type of story? Please read.

I belong to a website for Chevy Trucks ( and we have a story on there about a Tennesse lady who has recently lost her husband.

One of our members came across her story on Ebay of all places. Her husband was a die hard Chevy guy - specifically the 67-72 Chevy trucks. She and her husband purchased and restored these old trucks until he recently passed unexpectedly. She was left with 4 of these old trucks and miscellaneous parts and was trying to auction them all off on Ebay in one auction. She had alot of people trying to rip her off and ended up not selling any of the trucks. Below is a link to her Ebay auction where you can read her story for yourself.

The guy from our forums contacted her and tried to help her - telling her to auction them off one at a time, or try to sell them individually on our board. The story got picked up on our forum and has gained a tremendous amount of interest from our board members. Her daughters discovered what we were trying to do and are amazed that people that don't even know her are trying to help her. The lady does not know about our efforts or our contact with her daughters.

This is a link to the thread on our forums.

We are collectively trying to help this lady and it was mentioned that we should try and get her on some show like Overhaulin. I watch Trucks! religiously and recognized that you guys do your show here in the Middle Tennessee area, so since the lady is in west Tennessee I thought it might be more realistic that her story might get picked up by Trucks! rather than Overhaulin, which is all the way on the West Coast.

From the emails sent back and forth this lady is going through a tremendous amount of grief because of the early passing of her husband. We were thinking if some show like Trucks got involved and took these Trucks and built a nice truck from them that it might bring some healing and closure in this precious lady's life.

If there is anything that you can do, or if you have any suggestions please respond.

Contact Info

I'll let you guys know what I hear back. In the meantime the email address for Trucks! is What I suggest is that we bombard them with emails from our board members. Please keep the emails polite . There's a bunch of us here guys and if just some of us would take a minute of our time to send an email we might be able to get some attention and actually help this lady.

Keep it up.
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