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Old 02-10-2003, 08:23 PM   #1
swervin ervin
You get what you pay for
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Cherryville, NC
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Smile I couldn't resist

I was messing around last night and ended up here.

Started reading about the new Silverstar halogen headlights. I seen Advance auto parts sells them, and well, to tell you the truth, I just had to have a set. Bought them today, and not cheap before I forget at 27 bucks each. Put them in this evening. A few minutes ago, after it got dark here, I took a test drive and they are awesome. A bright white light, not anything like the regular halogens. Not blue tinted like the Midnight Moose conversions I had in it. Are they brighter than the Moose lights? Not sure if they are brighter or not, but not blue tinted, just a bright white light.

I think they are keepers. It looks like I'm never satisfied with anything don't it? I guess I'm not in a way.

1985 Chevy C-10
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