I used a portable propane heater, the kind that uses radiant heat, not the forced air kind. It worked great. It takes about 15 minutes for the part to warm up to 400 degrees, then the powder said to bake it for 25 minutes. When I removed the heater before I left work today it looked pretty good. I will see tomorrow how well it really did.
Never use your kitchen oven. The fumes WILL contaminate your food the next time you cook. Also don't use a gas oven. The fumes from the cure are flammable. If you use a kitchen style oven, it must be only for curing use. The radiant heater works really well, and it will run for like 30+ hrs on one 20 lb cylinder. I'll take pics of the setup I have tomorrow. I didn't take my camera to work today cuz I wasn't sure I would get to it.