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Old 08-03-2008, 05:35 AM   #4
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Re: Building a Blazer - vtblazer's Way

Not a lot got done on Friday being I got a later start than originally planned for.
Lots of BS'n about trucks and a good steak, ribs & beer dinner though.

One days work:
*Had a bare frame, had the axles, had the blazer tub on a 67 panel truck frame.
*Mounted axles under frame, rolled out of garage.
*Pulled tub off of panel frame and rolled that frame out of the way.
*Had to lift the blazer tub enough to clear 42"s, so the frame would roll under it.
*Installed the front clip.
*Left for home around 6:30p.m.

The spring's I already had and decide to use for the purpose of making it a roller, so if it looks like it sits a little 'off', it does.
Their 2.5" lift springs with a shackle flip in the rear but hey it's what we had, so it's what we used.

Lost almost 2hrs waiting around for the rain to lighten up too...

It's a damn nice tub, could almost build it and drive it as is.

Pics aren't that great, it was pouring most of the afternoon.
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Last edited by vtblazer; 08-03-2008 at 05:40 AM.
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