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Old 08-04-2008, 10:52 AM   #50
283 Drama Queen
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Re: The 283 Rebuild Begins

Originally Posted by justcuz View Post
What ever went with it should come back.
The harmonic balancer is stuck on the crank?
Torque pattern for intake is in any shop manual. Basically an x pattern from the middle 4 out to the outside. 3/8 bolts, 35 ft lbs as I recall.
I’m calling the engine builder this morning to see what’s up with the missing components - just didn’t want to come off as a d*%k. The cam is fairly mild - just a bit more bump than stock, because I wanted to maintain the mileage with the 2-barrel set-up.

The harmonic balancer is off again - no biggie. Bringing some mic’s and a last-word indicator home from the shop tonight and measure the crank end for size and roundness. If needed, I have the guys at the shop take a sniff out of the bore and then coat the bore with red Loc-Tite.

I’m still going to stand this motor on end, pack dry ice around the crank end and heat the balancer a bit, prior to banging it on the engine.
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