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Old 08-05-2008, 07:40 AM   #37
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Re: Sears...... (Rant)S

Matco is in the Danaher Tool Group. they happen to also make Craftsman tools.
I turn close to 900 cars/year at work. my sockets arer either Snap-On, Matco, or (suprisingly good quality) ATD. the majority of my work is done with 3/8 drive and my snappy guy will exchange worn ones.
a word about hand ratchets, I recently bought the new fine tooth flex-head offset handle one from snappy. feels NICE!!!! I have literally tried to break the mechanism by standing on the handle while working 3/4T truck lug nuts.
between that one, my IR 2112 impact, and my power probe III I am a very happy tech.

oh, btw, I dont think they should exchange 12pt for 6pt. but they should be able to do individual ones though.
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