Do I need carb?
1971 350 stock Quadrabog. I can move the primary throttle shaft up and down about 1/32 with a resulting rpm change. I can't get motor to idle smoothly. Spraying carb cleaner on secondary pass. side butterfly shaft makes a jump in rpm but that loose primary only makes a small change in rpm. Would buying a Jet performance stage II from Summit make sence? Just want a bolt on. Also another question........if I disable/disconnect the vapor recovery system do I then need to put vented gas caps on? Oh yes, while I am at it........which is the best port on a Quadrabog to have the vac. advance hooked up too. Sorry about all the questions but this is all fresh in my mind considering I was under the hood about 2 minutes ago. Thanks again.
'71 C-10 LWB Cheyenne 85K miles.
"Time spent Boating is NOT deducted from ones lifespan".