Thread: K10 Running hot
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Old 08-09-2008, 02:10 PM   #21
just can't cover up my redneck
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Re: K10 Running hot

Originally Posted by killer_mike View Post
But the gaskets on the intake the same area on both gaskets is burned and that is on the middle hole between the chambers wich i think is for vacuum or something, the 2 rear ones have coolant inside, but the ones on the front smell like coolant was there, but the thing is that my intake dont have holes there.

That burned area in the center of the gaskets is the exhaust heat cross-over. It is designed to speed-up the warm-up of the engine and to provide heat for the old style divorced choke coil. Most guys block them off. The only negative side of that is slower warming in cold weather.

The overheating could be coming from several sources.
I would try to confirm coolant flow first. Just because the radiator is flowing when tested, does not mean that the coolant is flowing in the engine itself. Someone suggested flushing....That is probably a good idea. Anything that could be in the coolant passages in the block may be causing a blockage/restriction.
You should definitely check the thermostat. Make sure that nothing is clogging that area. Pieces of gaskets or sealant, etc.

Water pumps are fairly simple, there really isn't anything that can really go wrong long as it is turning the right direction. Back in the olden days we didn't have that worry.

It is "theoretically" possible that there was an air pocket stopping the flow, but that usually goes away the first time the thermostat opens. If you are puking out the radiator over-flow the 'stat is definitely opening.

Yes, lack of a fan shroud can make you run hot, but you are probably in a borderline situation anyway, if it does. Since you said that it gets hot so fast, that is probably not the problem in this case....but I would still get one.

What kind of fan is on this thing? You stated that it was not a clutch fan correct?
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