Originally Posted by m.lander
all you need to do do is hook the s link up correctly. it wont drive because the manual valve cant direct fluid to put it in gear cause the s link isnt hooked to it. the fluid looks perfect cause it was rebuilt. you got lucky cause po was to lazy to find out why. the rooster comb is supposed to be curved for tension(should have a lot and its bolt torqued to spec. the s link can only go on one way so there is no way it can just slip off(you will understand when you put it on correctly. hope this helps.
MLander is completly correct. When you install the s clip (which I forgot to mention in my post) into the manual valve and roostercomb, you will have to 1. loosen the detent spring (circled in yellow), remove the clip (circled in red) insert the s hook and reverse the procedure. My only concern was from your pictures, the rooster comb looked as if it may have been bent to the side (green circle) which may have let to the S clip falling out. Make sure that the rooster comb is tight against the shift shaft with the nut. When you have everything back in place, it should look like the pic with the brass filter, and you should not be able to move the s hook so it will fall out. If it does somthing is bent. The valvebody bolt that holds the detent spring should be torqued to about 100 inch pounds.