Thread: attn pont
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Old 02-11-2003, 10:17 PM   #2
I need another Barley Pop
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Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Hey Matt, I don't think I have any pics of my 34, I'll have to look. Actually, it not very photo worthy. It's just the body only at this point. I found it next to a dry creek bed not far from where I live. I offered the property owner $50 and hauled it off. Minor (very minor) cancer in the lower doors. I sand blasted the body, primed it, put it on a couple pallets and have it stored in a dry place. No hood or fenders. It's a long term project that I probably won't start for another 10 years or more.

If I can find any pics, I'll post them here. I sure wouldn't mind seeing what all you have pics of! You can email them to me if you want.
67 Short Fleet 4x4

04 Honda CRF450R

89 Toyota 4-Runner

34 Ford 2 door sedan - Long term project

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"
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