Originally Posted by cntryboy88
I have a few swirl marks. The key is to go the same way as the original brushed lines. I really didn't have to do much with the steel wool, it was mainly to removed the residue left over by the oven clean. When the oven cleaner eats off the anodized coating it leaves some dry powdery residue. The buffing with the mothers polish is what brings out the shine. WalMart also sells a product I think is called Never Dull that works almost as well.
Okay, so I will correct myself...you're trying to get a shiny finish on that flat piece of aluminum instead of the factory anodized and "brushed" finish?
I guess I need to go look more closely at my truck, because I don't see much of a difference.
Not trying to be a dick, just trying to understand what you did.
BTW, Wally World is not the only place that sells Never-Dull-- I've bought some at Murray's or Advance Auto parts. It doesn't work miracles like some folks claim it does...it's like cotton soaked in kerosene...it looks good for a couple days, then...well...