Originally Posted by cntryboy88
I agree on a good panel they are already shined up good from the factory, but mine was weathered to a whitish-grey streaked mess. I was just trying to make it look better and figured if I screwed it up I would just cut a piece of diamond plate aluminum and attach it somehow. I don't know if the 96 trucks had as much of a heavy brushed look as the older trucks, but I was agreeing with what Prong said that you need to scrub with the grain. Sorry if I was confusing, my wife would agree communication is not one of my strong points.
Okay, I get you now...makes sense...chalky white streaks? Ugh! I got them on my GMC too.
I've got issues on another one of my rides like that. The "stainless" trim is weathering all over the car, and I haven't found anything yet that will restore it. White "splotches".
Nevr-Dull didn't do anything. I think I will hit it with some 3M 5990 (Is that right? The white polishing compound?) by hand first, and see if that works. If not, I may have to try wet-sanding with 2000 grit and hitting it with rubbing compound on the wheel...