Originally Posted by Rokcrln
I like the work so far but I must say I think you have the biggest sky light in the shop that I have ever seen  On the rear step notches did you just but weld then together or are ther gussets any were? Looks real smooth but not that stronge from what I can see.
LFD Inc.
Haha. Yea the shop is an old green house converted over to be used as a shop. It works out pretty nice.
And the notch is all miter cut camfered and welded. It is super strong. We used the same style notch on a dually with a 5th wheel and he pulled a 44' flatbed loaded with trucks on it. So I have no doubts about the notch or the strength.
Thanks for the input guys. Its comming alot. Just waiting on more parts as usual right now.