Ok ! Looks like everyone has hit you with the deal about traction bars. Now for the Locker ?
A locker works great if you are on anything BUT ice. I know, this past week we had some ice and snow that covered the roads. The wife was stuck on the road and could not get home.
So I took out my 4x4 that is locked F/R. Everything was great until I had to make a turn. Thats when the lockers ingauged (F/R), the truck would not turn, wheels turned all the way to the left, truck just kept going straight. Thank goodness I was only going about 5-10 mph. The front tires went off the road into the ditch, then it made a sharp turn to the left. As for me I think the lockers work great on anything but ICE. Im sure if you ask around others have there own ideas about them. How about you Capt.? Got anything to add about Lockers? Here is a photo of my truck. Keep in mind It's not a Chevy ! =(
Tim Lucas
[This message has been edited by Toolmaster (edited 01-04-2001).]