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Old 08-16-2008, 01:33 PM   #11
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Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot

just read the post and i am truly amazed by the character of the members we have on this board. makes me very proud to be a member. i too am part of the not enough free time club but i would be more than willing to part with some monies to help out.

has anyone contacted kevin tetz directly? he is the new host of trucks. i will check out the paintucation videos i have and see if he has a personal site or email we could try emailing him. he sells the videos through eastwood i wonder if they know how to get ahold of him maybe if we got some of the corporations involved they might do something with one of the truck shows in exchange for free air time.
how about david stacy on GEARS it used to air on espn2 now i see him on speed and we all know he has love for the 67-72 trucks he still has copperhead on the set of GEARZ. i know i should do and not think but time is limited these days.
you guys are great.....
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