Re: My Build Story, And I'm Sticking To It!
Well, after getting all the brackets cleaned and rattle-canned the motor was finally ready to start breathing. I bought a brand new battery and got some gas. I primed the motor with a cordless drill and a cut-off screwdriver. Worked like a charm. After being 180 off on the dizzy and a small power issue she was again ready to start. One problem though, I couldnt find my throttle cable and I really didn't want my arms in the engine compartment while it was running. After about 2 min of head scratching I came up with just the right idea. 8lb test tied to the carb did just the trick. Jtrux turned the key and she fired up w/o any problems. This was at about 8:30 P.M. on Thursday. We ran it at 2k rpm for about 10 min. The motor ran fantastic. Great oil pressure and low temp. I'll need to do it again for a little longer to finish breaking in the cam.