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Old 08-18-2008, 05:46 PM   #4
Drag Racer
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Re: Whats the biggest cam for a 6.0L

aside from going with that big of a cam, youll need head studs, stall convertor, possibly different valvetrain parts (pushrods, rocker arms etc.)

Personally thats a lot of stuff to go through for just wanting a lopey sound. Also, dont forget, its really easy to overcam an engine and ruin its power. You shouldnt look for cams to put in by how they sound, you want a cam that matches other performance modifications done to the engine. I agree, a cammed out engine sounds good, but its not cool when you go to stomp on it and it doesnt go anywhere. So, id say, to do it right youd need headers, gears, stall convertor, intake, possible vlave train, definite head studs , etc. Your looking at a good maybe 5k for just sound....
Zach Hall

1983 Chevy C10

R/T: .194
60': 2.322
330: 6.379
1/8: 9.803
MPH: 71.37
1000: 12.781
1/4: 15.314
MPH: 88.79
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