Re: Simple Drop Spindle Question
Unless you're getting a steal I'd try to go with 73+. Certain vendors offer the 73+ in a 3" drop but the most I've found for 71-72 is 2.5"
I originally went with 72 parts for my 72 but now have to change out my spindles,TRE's and upper BJ's despite miy current set-up having 0 miles because I want to tuck big rims and need that extra .5" at the spindle.
IMO you'd be better off with 73+ than getting a discount on spindles and having to spend to convert for them to fit only to get in my shoes and want that extra drop.
Last edited by RunninLo; 08-20-2008 at 12:27 AM.
Reason: Donought speel 2 gud