Question regarding T.D.C.
I have searched and read various topics on " how to find TDC", but I still have a few questions and I am hoping someone can shed more light on this subject.
I am working on '65 with a 230 6 Cylinder engine. The distributor was pulled some time back, and the motor has been turned many times. Now that I am trying to place the distributor back in, I am trying to make sure its put back in correctly.
I placed a rolled up napkin in the # 1 cylinder hole and rotate the engine until it pops out. Each time I do this, I check ( with a screwdriver ) and the piston seems to be at the top of its stroke, but the timing mark is about straight up, almost 1/4 rotation from the timing mark on the harmonic balancer lining up with the time mark on the timing chain cover. The balancer has a key way, so I'm sure that it was put back correctly.
So I turn the balancer until it lines up to 0 degrees and make sure the distributor is dropped in with the rotor pointing to the # 1 cylinder hole.
Does this sound like the correct way to do this ?
I replaced the plugs, plug wires, points, condenser, rotor and distributor cap. using the original coil. Wired everything back like it was with the help of a Shop Manual and many pictures.
Still getting no spark and when turmning the engine over, seems to be spitting back through the carbuerator.
Any ideas or guesses as to what I am doing wrong ???