Re: Question regarding T.D.C.
Your napkin will pop out before you reach TDC, turn the motor by hand (same direction, not far if it's far you are on the exhaust stroke) to where the timing mark is at 6 degrees before TDC. Then install the distributor with the rotor pointing at a mark you make on the top edge of the distributor (still no cap) that corresponds to the #1 plug wire tower. The points rubbing block should be on a high spot on the center cam on the distributor shaft. With the points open, turn the distributor clockwise until the points close.Now, (battery disconnected) connect a continuity tester across the points and turn the distributor to where the points just open according to the continuity tester and tighten the distributor hold down clamp snugly. put every thing back together and it'll start right up. Now check your timing mark with a light, you can fine tune this by connecting a manifold vacuum gauge (with carburetor adjustments correct) and moving a little advanced or retarded and finding highest manifold vacuum. If you're going to do your own tuneups with points a dwell meter is handy to have too. I like magnetic pickups myself......
Last edited by Bob66; 08-20-2008 at 11:18 PM.