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Old 08-21-2008, 01:54 AM   #203
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Re: something different 66 long travel truck

the spindles are for an 88-98 chevy c1500. You use the 88-98 upper ball joints(direct bolt in to 70 upper a-arm), 88-98 lower balljoints(need to find 67-68 3/4 ton lower arm and neww balljoint will press in) 88-98 inner and outer tie rods(the 70 center link needs to be reemed out to fit the new tie rods). For the brakes I used 88-98 6-lug rotors to match the rear of my 70, and 88-98 calipers. I havn't delt with the brake lines yet, shouldn't be that difficult though. My tie rod angle is close to stock so hopefully I wont have any bumpsteer issues. With the fiberglass fenders I am using it cleers 35's with no clearance issues. I'll try to post pics(have never done it before maybe someone can walk me through it as I am not very computer savy).
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