Originally Posted by tk-mpl
I got a piece of the description and operation of the cruise control off of the GM website.
The body control module (BCM) monitors the signal circuit of the cruise control switches. The BCM relays the cruise control switch status to the engine control module (ECM) via the GMLAN serial data circuit. The ECM uses the status of the cruise control switch to determine when to capture and maintain the vehicle speed. The ECM monitors the vehicle speed signal circuit in order to determine the desired vehicle speed. The ECM uses the throttle actuator control (TAC) motor in order to maintain the vehicle speed. For further information on the TAC System, refer to Throttle Actuator Control (TAC) System Description .
I'd post the schmatic but it is to big and if I resize it I don't think you'll be able to see anything.
That's a mouthful!

I have an 06 Tahoe motor and was told by Speartech that they could easily pull the wires for the Cruise to work a standard cruise control arm, FWIW.