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Old 08-24-2008, 07:48 AM   #4
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Re: any one make a flip kit? 87 c10

Stump. Most flip kits look simple enough to make,... but there is alot of things built into those little brackets that most people don't think about. They are designed to move the rearend towards the rear of the truck, so the axle stays centered in the wheelwell (and no driveshaft length problems are created). They also maintain the pinion angle to reduce any driveline vibration. Most flip kits also come with new u-bolts, nuts, and shock extensions (which help with shock angle and allow the use of your stock length shocks). Some kits like Belltech,... also have a c-notch included.

Convert to disc brakes.

Last edited by lolife99; 08-24-2008 at 07:49 AM.
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