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Old 08-24-2008, 09:31 AM   #9
Restoration Desperation
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Re: '68 Short Step....What's wrong with the steering?

Well, i guess i "figured it out". The problem was actually getting better the more i drove it, but i still had some water in the fluid because it was milky. So i was removing the PS fluid, adding more, working the steering, then repeat. I just got it almost clear when "Bam" the front of the power steering gear box blew out shooting my almost clear fluid onto the driveway. It looked like it had been hit in it's previous life on the late 70's truck & an inch of the lip that holds the retainer clip broke off. So it's off to the bone yard to find another gearbox............{sigh}
Now, how do i center/line-up the new one when i do the install to make sure i have equal turns to each side??


Last edited by MotorSeven; 08-24-2008 at 09:31 AM.
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