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Old 08-26-2008, 10:40 AM   #1
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cleaning numerous parts with soda blaster

I am cleaning up as many parts as I can with my new Eastwood Soda Blaster. After completing the grille I noticed some staple-like things on the back of the grille that must be to attach some sort of felt padding - not too sure what else to call it.

I quickly looked in the LMC catalogue to see if they have a replacement part name/number for the thin felt strip that would attach and found none. It was quick look though.

These staple-like attachments are brazed on the back/inside of the grille all around it and I was wondering if I should leave them on and find the padding or if you guys remove them!

By the way the Soda Blaster works great and I expect it is going to save me lots of money in the long run by blasting everything I can before it goes to the body shop.

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