Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
Dear Bill:
Hi Sorry I didn't see this till now. I've been trying to get some OSB board on the half of that trailer I saved for a storage shed. I've been working on it for over a week now. It's one of those things where I get frustrated because I know what I need to do, but I can't physically do it. I knew the rain would come sooner or later, and man is it here now! Oh well.
I haven't heard from anyone, but I think it's pretty much out of the way to come by here from Nashville to Kingsport isn't it? As much as I would love a visit from some of you guys, I would feel awful if I caused anyone any inconvenience!! I'll be ok. If you can reach Trai, please tell him not to worry about me. I live 15 minutes from the strip where all the car shows are held, and if some of you ever came here for that, I would love a visit then. I'll try again to join the site soon because I've put a lot of thought into how my life's going, and I've decided that I want to donate my trucks and parts to the 67-72 site because I know they will be put to good use, and no one will scrap them. I can't stand to see them sit out there and rust any longer. I was thinking if a member needs something, and if I have it, they can send me a check to cover shipping it, or come get it if they are close enough. I have a SWB 67 in the garage that I could never part with, so I need to keep a few things for her, but everything else is here if you guys need it. Thanks for everything you've done for me Bill!
Take care.
Bill  US Army Vet -193rd Infantry
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” Gandhi