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Old 08-27-2008, 10:39 PM   #2
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Re: a few lowering questions

it can be done with just wrenches and pry bars. but for a first timer springs can be aggervating and dangerous.

as for the front 2 exeptional tools to help you out would be what is called a "pickle fork" to remove your ball joints if neccicary and a spring compressor just so your not dealing with a loaded gun.

for the rear yes a flip kit would make an instant 4 inches and you can just about keep everything else stock. but other than shackles and hangars finding softer/flatter springs can often give you 1-3 inches.
1969 C/10 Short Box:
496/T-56 in worx.

"To Be Old And Wise, First You Must Be Young And Stupid"
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