08-28-2008, 06:18 AM
Restoration Desperation
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 373
Re: Ebay - Chevy truck widower selling their whole lot
I took a bush hogging job(25ac & it has to be done by Sat). I have another job hanging roof trusses today, so between the two i will have banked some $ towards Dawns trucks/parts. Man, this "retirement" is brutal.......... !
IF someone else steps up to the plate to buy her stuff that's fine. I can appreciate the "why", but i just don't think that she is in a position to "donate". Those pic's of the parts look like that alone will be a full time job...sorting/packaging/answering questions/selling/shipping. Besides, she is going to need some money to fix up her '67, unless one of the TV show things come thru.