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Old 08-28-2008, 12:56 PM   #5
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Re: Loose Front Brake Pads

Originally Posted by Eyegore View Post
TJ is correct, replace the clip but what is the other side like, is it also loose? I know their are two different size rotors for our years of truck, could it be possible that you have the wrong size pad? Also instead of replacing the rotor I would suggest having it turned down, saving you some $$$$.
Thanks Eyegore.

I have talked to the parts store and I will be picking up some new hardware tomorrow to see if this will solve the problem.

As for the other side (passenger), everything seems good, so I think I've got the proper parts for everything. As for machining the rotors, yes it would have been cheaper, but I figured it was time to do these as well, and at $68 ea. it wasn't too bad. So this way all the brake parts are new(ish) - all having been replaced within the last year.

Hopefully the new retainers do the job...
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