Re: WIW: Black or Red Powder Coated Glove Box Door
I don't know If it is cheaper or not. I recently had an after market aluminum air cleaner top and bottom powdercoated for 80.00. I thought that was reasonable enough. At 25.00 for a Powdercoated glovebox door your not leaving much room for profit. Doors sell on here for 10 bucks, then 15.00 for powdercoating (materials, electricity involved in heating, labor, etc) doesn't leave much in the area of profit. But that is why we are a bunch of cheapskates. Because we understand how to do things, for the most part have the ability to do them, but we usually don't have the correct equipment or time to do them. But we aren't like most consumers that don't think they can do anything themselves and would just rather pay someone else to do it for them.
1972 C20 Suburban- Big Blue Betty
'56 Chevy Bel Air Sedan- Frame up Restoration
-What would you attempt to achieve if you knew you could not fail?-
-I Refuse To Tiptoe Through Life, Only To Arrive Safely At Death's Door-